CMI Novacast

Guide: Comparing Casting Automation Options for Green Sand Foundries

Foundry worker casting molten metal

Read our guide to learn how foundries can alleviate staffing challenges by automating casting – and see how popular automated solutions compare.   In recent years, staffing has become a major thorn in the side of those who manage green sand foundries. Across the industry, turnover is high and recruitment – which has become increasingly Guide: Comparing Casting Automation Options for Green Sand Foundries

How Electromagnetic Pumps Increase Giga Press Efficiency & Reduce Waste

If you work in the automotive manufacturing industry, you’ve likely heard the hype building around Giga Presses: house-sized, high-pressure, aluminum die casting machines capable of replacing dozens of welded parts with a single one. While still relatively new, Giga Presses (also written as “gigapresses” and sometimes referred to as a “megapresses”) and the process of How Electromagnetic Pumps Increase Giga Press Efficiency & Reduce Waste

Case Study: EM Pumps Improve Employee Retention, Safety & Productivity by 180%

Aluminum foundry

Littlestown Foundry has never shied away from an opportunity to reinvent itself. When it was chartered back in 1916, the foundry specialized in the production of iron hardware goods like hammers, doorstops, vices, and fireplace tools. A year later, the U.S. entered the First World War and Littlestown pivoted production to help with the war Case Study: EM Pumps Improve Employee Retention, Safety & Productivity by 180%

How Foundries Can Reduce Turbulent Flow with Electromagnetic Pumps

Pouring molten metal

Imagine water being poured into a glass quickly and carelessly: as the glass fills, erratic swirls, eddies, and bubbles appear in the liquid. That chaotic movement – created by inconsistencies in the velocity of the pour – indicates the flow of water into the glass is turbulent. This so-called “turbulent flow,” isn’t restricted to hastily How Foundries Can Reduce Turbulent Flow with Electromagnetic Pumps

How to Increase Foundry Worker Retention with Electromagnetic Pumps

Foundry Worker

Blistering heat. Bubbling, sparking vats of molten metal. The ever-present risk of dangerous spills or even explosions. For foundry line workers, it’s all just another day at the office. The work performed by foundry workers – those who hand ladle, in particular – can be a dangerous and physically demanding grind. Employees work long days, How to Increase Foundry Worker Retention with Electromagnetic Pumps

The Top 7 Reasons Foundries Use Electromagnetic Pumps

PG 300 and 450 electromagnetic pumps

The demands placed on both low and high tolerance foundries can result in a bit of a Catch-22. Foundries are expected to improve throughput, eliminate downtime and reduce scrap rates. Those goals can be difficult to achieve in even the most ideal circumstances – but can seem nearly impossible in the standard foundry environment. The The Top 7 Reasons Foundries Use Electromagnetic Pumps

Controlled Pouring for Aluminum Castings

Controlled Pouring

Abstract The present demand for greatly improved productivity and quality of aluminum castings has brought many developments and continues to force critical evaluation of our manufacturing processes. Handling and pouring of molten metal are two areas where new ideas are being introduced to achieve these goals. Aluminum is easily damaged when in the liquid state, Controlled Pouring for Aluminum Castings

Pressurized Furnace vs. EM Pump

PG Series EM Pumps

The low pressure casting technique has long been known to produce high quality aluminum castings, but the process has also been plagued by some persistent problems. Many of these problems can be eliminated through the use of an electromagnetic pump as opposed to the standard pressurized furnace. The pressurized furnace system has several disadvantages which Pressurized Furnace vs. EM Pump

Electromagnetic Pump Principles

EM Pump Principle

In the science of Physics, Laplace’s Law describes the interaction between a magnetic field and an electric current when they are applied at right angles to each other and to a conductor of electricity. This Law explains how induction motors function and is better known as Fleming’s Left Hand Rule, in which the thumb, forefinger Electromagnetic Pump Principles

What Is Electromagnetic Pumping?

EM Pumping

Aluminum and other light metal casting foundries have traditionally used the technique of pouring the molten metal into molds from a ladle, relying on gravity to fill the small spaces in the mold cavity. This must be done very carefully so the molten metal does not experience oxidizing turbulence. The nature of molten aluminum as What Is Electromagnetic Pumping?